Hi Lucy!!
So I should have posted this sooner, however this past week has been nothing but chaotic! You are going to be happy to know that you have a baby girl cousin that was born on January 12th. We are all so excited for you to have somebody close in age to grow up with and share some experiences. Her name is Julia Celeste and she is looking forward to meeting you. Over the weekend, Dad and I got some practice with babies. I changed a diaper for the first time.. let me tell you, it was extremely difficult... I hope that I can get the hang of it. I am sure I will, but don't be too upset with me if you have some saggy britches for the first week or so.
I am not going to lie, seeing Julia for the first time caused a bit of a panic attack. I had the realization rush over me the following day that in 3 months or less you are going to grace us with your presence. It still is very scary for me, especially because if you come early, we won't have anything ready for you. I have been working my fingers to the bone trying pay off some bills and save up for you at the same time... I hope I can keep this momentum.
You had a doctors appointment the day your cousin was born. Everything seems to be looking outstanding. Your heart rate was 145 beats per minute, you must have been resting because the day prior you were doing nothing but stumping around in my belly. Over the past few days I have actually been able to watch you move around. It looks pretty crazy and surreal to see you moving around in there.. my stomach ripples from the outside. I just have such a hard time understanding the concept that it's you.. again, it's so surreal. I can't wait for daddy to see you move around in my belly. Everytime I call him over you always stop... it drives me crazy!!! You are such a stinker already, but I love it :)
Alright, that's it for now baby girl.
Mom and Dad love you very much and are counting down the months... soon weeks then days before we get to see your beautiful face.
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